Monday, November 14, 2011

Bad Words from Sweet Mouths

Sometimes Olivia still wants help getting off of the potty. She's a really tiny girl, and sometimes it's tough for her to get down on her own. Last night, I was cleaning up the supper mess while she was going potty when I heard her shout from the bathroom. When I went to the bathroom to help her she said, "Mommy, I said I'm done dammit."
Now remember, that sentence came out of the mouth of a sweet, tiny girl. I had to have heard her wrong right!? I said, "What, Honey?"
She said, "I was hollerin' for you, and I said I'm done dammit."
"I said I'm done dammit."
Ok. I guess that really is what she said. We had to have a little talk about how dammit is a bad word. Hopefully we won't be hearing it again anytime soon! But just between us, it's really funny to hear such naughty words come out of such a sweet little mouth!

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