Thursday, October 11, 2012

It May Be Time for the "Don't Do Drugs" Talk

Olivia was playing in her tunnel the other day and acting really goofy. She said, "Mom, we're using swess. Do you know what swess is? (She stood up with the tunnel wrapped around her and then fell down.)
I responded, "No."
She answered, "It's candy that makes you fall down." (She stood up and fell down again.) "So we're using swess." 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

More Marriage Talk!

Here's a conversation I overheard the other day between Olivia and her friend, Brandon...
Brandon: "Good job, Princess!"
Olivia: "Thanks! Do you think someday we could marry each other?"
Brandon: "Well, I'm gonna marry my mom."
Olivia: "Kids can't marry their parents, but kids can marry kids."
Well, apparently somewhere along the line, she figured out that she can't marry me, so now she's asking Brandon.