Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Potty Names

I already told you that Olivia calls her pee, "soup," but now she has come up with more potty names. Sometimes her pee is "noodles" or "noodle soup" now, and when she poops, she says, "I'm makin' chicken." There have even been a few occasions when she has asked for a spoon to stir it. (And no, I don't give her one!) Sorry for the gross post, but it will be funny to look back on someday when she's older and totally embarrassed!


Larry Lubinus said...

Can I say you did the samething? Yes, I can say that, but that would be a lie. This is just so funny! Great that you are recording these!

Jamie said...

I really don't know what to say to this....she has one crazy imagination!

Anonymous said...

Had me laughing out loud