Friday, June 23, 2017

The Car

My car died the other day while the kids and I were at the library, and we had to call Josh to come and rescue us. He took us home, and then went to look at my car. When he returned, we sat on the back patio while the kids played on the swingset, and he told me what happened. (The battery was old.) Now Josh can get a little long winded with his stories, but in his defense, there was a lot to tell. After a while, Olivia yelled from the swing, "Dad, are you still bragging about how you fixed Mom's car?!"


Olivia: "When I'm in prison..."
Me: "Wait, why will you be in prison?"
Olivia: (Without skipping a beat.) "I took the blame for Dad."

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Units of Measurement

Our school is preparing for our Lutheran Schools Track Meet next week. On our way home today, this was the conversation in the backseat......
Olivia: "Emma is a really fast runner! She's the fastest in our class. but I'm fast too. I'm only like a pint slower than her."
Ethan: (In his very best big brother sarcastic tone.) "A pint?"
Olivia: "Come on Ethan. Let's use liquid to measure speed."