Friday, November 16, 2012

Our Unique Performer!

Olivia LOVES to sing and dance. All she wants for Christmas is a microphone and blue cowgirl boots. Yesterday she created a song called, "Bug's First Lick." She certainly is one-of-a-kind!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Not Everyone Poops

We have a great Usborne book called, "Everyone Poops." Olivia's comment the other day reminded me of that book.

I caught a whiff of poop (a common occurrence at a daycare with 3 kids in diapers) and said, "Someone pooped."

Olivia responded, "Not me, because I'm a princess and princesses never poop."

That's when I thought about our great book. It tells us that elephants, birds, fish, and even bugs poop, but it never mentions princesses. Hmmm? Maybe they don't poop!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Olivia's Thoughts on a Mother's Job

Brandon: "I'm the Dad, Lila is the kid, and Livi is the mom."
Olivia: "Yeah, I make the decisions and balance the house."