Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Potty Names

I already told you that Olivia calls her pee, "soup," but now she has come up with more potty names. Sometimes her pee is "noodles" or "noodle soup" now, and when she poops, she says, "I'm makin' chicken." There have even been a few occasions when she has asked for a spoon to stir it. (And no, I don't give her one!) Sorry for the gross post, but it will be funny to look back on someday when she's older and totally embarrassed!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Josh's hunting boots had gotten wet, so he was using my hair dryer to dry them before going out hunting again. Curious little Olivia was watching him very closely. I asked her, "What's Daddy doing?"
She replied, "Gettin' hair boots!"

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

That's Not My Name!

Most of you already know this, but I wanted to post it for the record. Olivia has taken it upon herself to change her name. Afterall, she is a princess, and she deserves a princess name, right?! If you ever slip up, and call her Olivia, Livi, or Deedle, (her former nickname) she will say, "That's not my name." She has even tattled on Ethan for calling her "Livi." Yes, this is serious! You must remember to call her Fiona, Jasmine, or Ariel.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

"Pee" Soup!

While Olivia was going potty the other day she said, "I'm makin' some soup."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Skim vs. Whole

Olivia wanted some milk the other day while we were visiting my mom. My mom only had skim milk, so we put a little in a cup for Miss Livi. She took one sip and said, "I don't want water."