Thursday, December 9, 2010
Names for a Belt!
This story is a few weeks old, but I keep forgetting to post it. It's a good one though! While Josh was putting his belt on, Olivia said, "Putting on your seat belt, Daddy?" Josh thought that was pretty funny, so later, when I was in the room, he pointed to his belt and asked Olivia, "What's this?" Instead of repeating what she had called it earlier, she said, "It's a tinkerbelt!" Now whenever she talks about belts, it's either a seat belt or a tinkerbelt, never just a regular belt! What a goof!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Godmothers vs. Angels
Shrek 2 was on TV a while back, so we recorded it. It's now Olivia's favorite movie! She's always saying, "I want Shreky, Mama!" The other day, she was playing with a snowglobe with a nativity scene inside. There was an angel on top of the stable. Olivia pointed to it and said, "that godmother!" (For those of you who haven't seen Shrek 2, there is a fairy godmother in the movie who apparently looks very similar to the angel in our snowglobe.)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Commercial Confusion
A Victoria's Secret commercial came on the other night while we were watching TV. Olivia pointed to the TV and said, "I like that Barbie!"
Monday, November 29, 2010
A Me in a Coat!
Olivia was whining as we were getting into the car the other day, and she sounded just like a little pig. As I plopped her into her car seat, I asked, "Why are you squealing like a piggy?"
She pouted, "I'm not a piggy!"
"Well then what are you?"
"I'm a me in a coat!"
This picture was taken a few days prior, but it gives you a good idea of what Olivia looks like all bundled up in her car seat. Her coat kind of seems to swallow her up a little, so she's pretty right on when she says that she's not just "a me," she's "a me in a coat!"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Where's Your Animal Crackers?
After returning from the grocery store last week, I gave Olivia a bag of animal crackers to keep her busy while I put away the groceries. A few minutes later she was at my feet hollering, "Mama! Mama!" I asked her where her animals crackers were, and she said, "I don't know." I didn't think much of it and figured we would find them after I finished putting away the groceries. Well, like always, I got sidetracked playing with Olivia, and it wasn't until I went to take her potty about an hour later that I was reminded about the animal crackers! Look where they ended up...bag and all!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Greedy Trick-Or-Treater!
Olivia did a great job trick-or-treating on Sunday! Everyone was so impressed with how well she said, "trick-or-treat!" and, "thank you!"
At one of the houses towards the end of our route Olivia didn't say anything, so I prompted her, "What do you say?"
She said, "I want candy!" Everyone got a good chuckle, and I was only slightly embarrassed. It seemed to work anyway, because she got her candy without ever saying trick-or-treat.
As we were leaving, I had to prompt her again with a, "Now what do you say?"
She said, "I want more candy!" Thankfully this happened at the house of a woman with a great sense of humor! She actually gave them both more candy!
At one of the houses towards the end of our route Olivia didn't say anything, so I prompted her, "What do you say?"
She said, "I want candy!" Everyone got a good chuckle, and I was only slightly embarrassed. It seemed to work anyway, because she got her candy without ever saying trick-or-treat.
As we were leaving, I had to prompt her again with a, "Now what do you say?"
She said, "I want more candy!" Thankfully this happened at the house of a woman with a great sense of humor! She actually gave them both more candy!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Potty Mouth!
Olivia is doing great with potty training! We take her to sit on the potty about every 2 hours, and she goes every time. She keeps her cute little undies dry for the most part. We are still working on her letting us know when she has to go, instead of us just taking her when the clock says it's time. There have been a few times that she's said, "I need Dora!" (Her potty seat has Dora the Explorer on it.) But she's usually already starting to go by the time she says it.
The other night, I was helping Ethan brush his teeth before bed while Josh and Olivia were playing in the hallway. Olivia shouted, "I need Dora!"
Josh scooped her up and ran her to the toilet as fast as he could. He struggled a little with her pants, and when he got to her underwear, he realized he was too late. A little disappointed and forgetting where he was, he said, "Damn!"
Before I could even give Josh the look, Olivia shook her head while still sitting on her potty seat and said, "Damn!"
Oops! Josh and I did our best to ignore it at the time. And after Olivia was in bed, Josh told me, "You have to admit though, it was pretty funny!"
I'm sorry, I really don't find the humor in witnessing words like that come out of such a sweet little mouth! Okay, maybe it was a little funny, but she better not ever say it again!
The other night, I was helping Ethan brush his teeth before bed while Josh and Olivia were playing in the hallway. Olivia shouted, "I need Dora!"
Josh scooped her up and ran her to the toilet as fast as he could. He struggled a little with her pants, and when he got to her underwear, he realized he was too late. A little disappointed and forgetting where he was, he said, "Damn!"
Before I could even give Josh the look, Olivia shook her head while still sitting on her potty seat and said, "Damn!"
Oops! Josh and I did our best to ignore it at the time. And after Olivia was in bed, Josh told me, "You have to admit though, it was pretty funny!"
I'm sorry, I really don't find the humor in witnessing words like that come out of such a sweet little mouth! Okay, maybe it was a little funny, but she better not ever say it again!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Cookie Time
At supper the other night, Ethan asked Josh for a cookie. Josh told him he could have one once he finished everything on his plate. Olivia quickly took the rest of her food off of her plate and set it on the table. Then she said, "Have a cookie now, Dada!"
I always knew she was going to be our sneaky one!
I always knew she was going to be our sneaky one!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Another Funny Potty Saying
Ok, I know I've posted a lot of potty stories lately, but when you're going through the potty training process, potty time sort of becomes your life. So here's another good one:
I set Olivia on her Dora potty the other day, and told her to push out some potty. She pushed for a bit, and then said, "Don't work!"
I set Olivia on her Dora potty the other day, and told her to push out some potty. She pushed for a bit, and then said, "Don't work!"
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Potty Quiz
We just started hard-core potty training with Olivia! Last Tuesday, the two of us went to Walmart while Ethan was at school, and we picked out a new Dora potty chair and Tinkerbell underwear! She is doing much better than I expected! I can see diaperless days in our very near future!
After a few potty lessons Tuesday morning, Olivia and I walked to Ethan's school to pick him up for the day. As we walked, I quizzed her a little. I asked her, "Do we pee in our Tinkerbell undies?"
She shook her head and said, "No!"
I continued, "Then where do we go pee?"
Olivia responded, "Ummm......Boone?"
After a few potty lessons Tuesday morning, Olivia and I walked to Ethan's school to pick him up for the day. As we walked, I quizzed her a little. I asked her, "Do we pee in our Tinkerbell undies?"
She shook her head and said, "No!"
I continued, "Then where do we go pee?"
Olivia responded, "Ummm......Boone?"
Friday, September 17, 2010
Freaky Friday!
Olivia was playing with some plastic cups on the kitchen floor while I finished tiding up the kitchen. She held one cup up and said, "Orange cup!"
I knelt down and said, "Yes!" Then I pointed to another cup and said, "And that's a purple and green cup."
Olivia looked at me with a big grin and with her best mommy voice said, "That's right, Mama!"
Wait a minute, when did we switch roles?
I knelt down and said, "Yes!" Then I pointed to another cup and said, "And that's a purple and green cup."
Olivia looked at me with a big grin and with her best mommy voice said, "That's right, Mama!"
Wait a minute, when did we switch roles?
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Taking Care of Business (or at least trying to!)
The other day, I caught Olivia standing in the kitchen with the look on her face. You know the look I'm talking about, the one that says she's about to take care of business in her diaper! So I picked her up, ran her to the bathroom, and sat her down on the potty. I was very proud of both of us for making it all the way to the potty before the business even started! I told her, "Push it, Livi!"
She gave it her all, "Eeeeeee!" Then stopped, and said, "It's stuck!"
Maybe we need a little more fiber in our diet?
She gave it her all, "Eeeeeee!" Then stopped, and said, "It's stuck!"
Maybe we need a little more fiber in our diet?
Her Pushing Face!

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Calling All Super Readers!
Surprisingly, Ethan and Olivia already have the same favorite TV show......Super Why! For those of you who have yet to see the show, it's about characters from classic children's stories that transform into superheros with powers to read! I know, kind of cheesy, but the kids LOVE it and actually learn a lot!
The other day, Olivia wasn't feeling well, so Josh took Ethan downstairs to play while I rocked Olivia in the living room. She looked up at me and whined, "Why! Why!" (Which means, I want to watch Super Why.) So we cuddled in the chair and watched it together. There's a part in each episode where Whyatt, the main character, says, Calling all Super Readers! And you're supposed to repeat him, Calling all Super Readers! Then he says, To the Book Club! And you repeat him again, To the Book Club! Ethan is always so good at playing along, and he says everything out loud at just the right time, while Olivia usually watches in silence. Well, since big brother wasn't around to interrupt, Olivia was saying everything out loud. Whyatt said, "Calling all Super Readers!"
Olivia repeated, "Calling all Super Readers!"
Whyatt shouted, "To the Book Club!"
Olivia repeated, "To the Book Club!"
Then they introduced all the Super Readers, and since it's an interactive program, we, the viewers, are also Super Readers, so Whyatt said, "Now say your name!"
And Olivia shouted, "Ethan!"
Ok, so maybe she doesn't completely understand the show yet, but one thing's for sure.....big brother is a HUGE influence on her!
The other day, Olivia wasn't feeling well, so Josh took Ethan downstairs to play while I rocked Olivia in the living room. She looked up at me and whined, "Why! Why!" (Which means, I want to watch Super Why.) So we cuddled in the chair and watched it together. There's a part in each episode where Whyatt, the main character, says, Calling all Super Readers! And you're supposed to repeat him, Calling all Super Readers! Then he says, To the Book Club! And you repeat him again, To the Book Club! Ethan is always so good at playing along, and he says everything out loud at just the right time, while Olivia usually watches in silence. Well, since big brother wasn't around to interrupt, Olivia was saying everything out loud. Whyatt said, "Calling all Super Readers!"
Olivia repeated, "Calling all Super Readers!"
Whyatt shouted, "To the Book Club!"
Olivia repeated, "To the Book Club!"
Then they introduced all the Super Readers, and since it's an interactive program, we, the viewers, are also Super Readers, so Whyatt said, "Now say your name!"
And Olivia shouted, "Ethan!"
Ok, so maybe she doesn't completely understand the show yet, but one thing's for sure.....big brother is a HUGE influence on her!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Look Alike!
While I was getting ready for church this morning, Olivia found the picture below in my bedroom on a shelf. It's a picture of Ethan when he was 12 months old. She picked it up and brought it over to me. I said, "What do you have?"
She pointed at it and said, "Mirror!"
Well....I guess it does look at little like her!
She pointed at it and said, "Mirror!"
Well....I guess it does look at little like her!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Livi Kisses!
Olivia loves to give kisses......right on the mouth! This is really hard for her germaphobe Mommy to watch! Kisses for Mommy, Daddy, and Big Brother are okay, but when she kisses snotty-nosed kids right on the mouth, I just cringe! Needless to say, I have been trying to teach her how to blow kisses instead! Yesterday afternoon, after trying to kiss a boogery baby, I told her, "Remember, Livi, blow the kiss. Use your hand like this." And I demonstrated.
She looked down at her hand, kissed it, then slapped it right onto the baby's face!
Well, she did use her hand....but we still need to work on keeping those germs from spreading!
She looked down at her hand, kissed it, then slapped it right onto the baby's face!
Well, she did use her hand....but we still need to work on keeping those germs from spreading!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Olivia watched very closely while I painted my toe nails last weekend. This was the first time she had shown interest in this, so I explained everything as I did it. She picked up one of my toe separaters and said, "What's that?"
I told her, "That's a toe separater."
She examined it a little longer, flipping it over, looking at it from all angles. Then she put it on her foot and said, "Toe. Shoe."
I was quite impressed with her thinking skills! She had heard the word "toe" and knew that it must be something for her foot. And after looking it over, the only thing that made sense to her was for it to be a shoe.
I told her, "That's a toe separater."
She examined it a little longer, flipping it over, looking at it from all angles. Then she put it on her foot and said, "Toe. Shoe."
I was quite impressed with her thinking skills! She had heard the word "toe" and knew that it must be something for her foot. And after looking it over, the only thing that made sense to her was for it to be a shoe.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Olivia didn't want to nap yesterday, and unfortunately Mommy REALLY needed a nap herself. I'm getting a cold, and I was really looking forward to naptime! But Olivia had other plans! So while I was playing with her on the floor, I rested my head on a pillow for a minute or two. Olivia came over and laid her head right next to mine on the pillow. Then she started to snore! I was shocked! She's not old enough to know how to fake snore, but she certainly couldn't have fallen asleep that fast. I lifted my head up to look at her face. She looked back at me and smiled as she continued to snore. Apparently, she IS old enough to know how to fake snore! What a goof ball!
When I told Aunt Jamie this story, she said that Olivia was probably trying to trick me into falling asleep, so she could go get into trouble. Well, I'd certainly like to believe that's not true! Because if she can be that devious now, just imagine what she will be capable of in 15 years!
When I told Aunt Jamie this story, she said that Olivia was probably trying to trick me into falling asleep, so she could go get into trouble. Well, I'd certainly like to believe that's not true! Because if she can be that devious now, just imagine what she will be capable of in 15 years!
After getting Olivia out of her carseat yesterday, I stood at the edge of the garage with her and said, "Look Olivia, RAIN!"
She looked for a second, then said, "Choo Choo!"
I guess I need to enunciate a little better!
She looked for a second, then said, "Choo Choo!"
I guess I need to enunciate a little better!
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